Calculate your monthly savings

Savings on OPEX

Savings on TCO
Savings on OPEX:      

Savings on TCO:
100 %


MeetDistrict - Office-as-a-service #
How many # users? 15 x 35 € /user 525
How many # desks? 8 x 70 € /desk 560
How much comfort? netto m²/desk
Pay      €

Your MONTHLY recurring OPeration EXpenses (OPEX)
Change Gross cost
Internet + network + WiFi + print/copy/scan
x 80 € /user
Overhead: Facility manager / Office manager / CEO
x 4.590 €
Reception & phone answering
x 3.900 €
Service Agent & Network Engineer
x 5.840 €
Cleaning (daily)
x 4  €/m²
Welfare - community services, benefits, ...  
   0  €
To Save  €
OPEX savings  %

Your current REAL ESTATE costs
12 m² bruto x users = 180     (12 m² bruto = EU average)
€ / m² / year
Gross cost
Rent 170 x
Taxes 15 x
Property management 25 x
Energy 25 x
EU Average: Amortizations 130 x
Overhead for fit-out (management, designers, engineers, ...) 10 x
Fit-out financing 15 x
Save more      €
Total potential savings per month Total potential savings per month Total potential savings per month  €

Contact me for a meeting with the MeetDistrict office consultant